13. nov. 2005


Meebo is a web based IM application which allows logging into your IM network without the need of an installed software. You can sign-in into your AOL or ICQ, Yahoo, Jabber or Gtalk and MSN IM. It's great!


17. sep. 2005


Kabelski internet je (iz različnih razlogov) zame neprimeren. Tako sem sedaj, ko ni treba ISDN-ja, izbiral med tremi ponudniki: SiOL, AMIS in VoljADSL. Ker sem vedel, da vsi uporabljajo isto infrastrukturo Telekoma, sem izbral najcenejšega - VoljADSL 1024/128 - 6.990 SIT/mesec.

26.8.2005 - Pogodbo sem poslal po pošti
14.9.2005 - kličejo iz telekoma, da pridejo naslednji dan
15.9.2005 - pride delavec iz telekoma, priključi modem in preveže telefonske linije (telekom -> modem -> drugi telefoni)
15.9.2005 - kličejo me iz Voljatela in mi sporočijo uporabniško ime in geslo
16.9.2005 - po pošti dobim pogodbo in CD (ki ga nisem več potreboval)

In sedaj gre res hitro.

13. sep. 2005


I found this great piece of software on some computer magazine's DVD. All Windows Update files packed in one program. It offers extremly adaptable choice of setup and even some extra programs and tweaks. It reduces the time for a new winXP install!


Google talk

I have to agree with all that positive talk about new IM program from "the big brother" Google.
- Small
- only one exe file - no installation required
- Gmail pop-up for new mail
- Great sound quality in calls.


Vremenko je res super program. Dokler ga nisem odkril, sem uporabljal WeatherFox v Firefox-u. program je zelo majhen, zelo učinkovit in prilagodljiv.


Šumniki v Win XP SP2

Ta vikend sem na novo namestil Windowse XP. Prvič sem uporabil CD z vgrajenim SP2. Nazadnje sem ga na novo namestil pred 3 leti! Zdaj je računalnik približno 2x hitrejši! Ok, sem pač uporabnik, ki namesti vsak programček, ki ga najdem na internetu in šele potem ugotavljam njegovo koristnost. In se registry napolni in se vsi programi vlečejo kot megla.

In še prigoda iz naslova. Po namestitvi mi niso delali č-ji v nekaterih programih. Pa sem naštimal Slovenian in Slovenia pod Regional settings. Potem pa sem poskušal shranit majhno txt datoteko s čžš-ji in mi je napisalo, da moram shranit pod Unicode in ne pod ANSI (ki je bilo očitno predizbrano). Rešitev je zelo, zelo skrita:

Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Advanced -> Select a language to match the language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use : padajoči menu -> Slovenian

In ČŽŠ-ji spet delajo. Tudi v Vremenku.

11. maj 2005

Pot spominov in tovarištva [path of friendship and comradeship]

Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, was, during the Italian occupation in WW2, turned into an concentration camp using barbed wire which they put all around the city. The path of the barbed wire is now a path around the city. It's 35km long and if you walk all around the city, collecting stamps, you get a medal! My girlfirend and I went on the path on the day of liberation of Ljubljana, May 7. It was great!

18. feb. 2005

More Gmail invites!

I've got *many* new GMail invites to give away.

If you'd like to have one, leave a comment with a VALID e-mail address, name AND surname and I'll send it to you.

4. jan. 2005


I have the cleanest USB Flash Drive! Yesterday I forgot it in my pocket and threw the jeans in the washing machine! And I can't believe it - it still WORKS!
I fully recomend Silan(R) for washing USB Flash Drives. And Canyon USB Flash Drives are the best. (I hope it got rid of all the viruses too:, but I am afraid it might rust now)